Impact measurement.
Don’t just measure the things you do >> start measuring the things you change.
What is impact?
Impact is the positive social, cultural or environmental changes, or outcomes, that happen as the result of an action.
What’s the process?
Define your impact goals and develop an impact model that shows how your activities lead to positive outcomes/changes in attitudes, behaviour or conditions
Develop impact indicators, create a measurement framework, and gather data to track your impact.
Know what’s working and what’s not, and realign your activities to start growing your impact.
Share your journey and outcomes with your partners and stakeholders by reporting your impact.
What we do.
Pluri supports organisations to work out what impact they have - and do more of it.
Map your actions to your impact (and vice versa). Know why you do what you do, and unearth the assumptions that sit behind your interventions, programs or projects.
Have a plan of action to increase and amplify your impact. -
Bespoke impact measurement frameworks that translate your Impact strategy into the BAU.
Already have a framework in place, but just need someone to collect and analyse the data? We got you.
End-to-end project management to get your latest Impact Report done!
Impact framework
Data collection and analysis
Copwriting and design
Distribution strategy (optional)
Case study: Asialink Business
Secured $10 million in government funding through comprehensive Impact Measurement and Evaluation.
The Challenge
Asialink Business is Australia’s National Centre for Asia Capability. It is underwritten by government funding to increase the “Asia capabilities” of Australia’s workforce.
We sought to measure whether Australia’s workforce had, indeed, increased its Asia capabilities.
The Solution
Implemented over a period of three years, we combined in-depth qualitative and quantitative analyses, which were distilled into two cornerstone documents: a 100+ page Annual Report and a 50+ page Outcomes Assessment Report, which analysed over 80,000+ data points across multiple reporting channels.